• Raid on The Emerald Nightmare raid on November 17, 2016


Added by Avgha 
Raid Start : 19:00:00
Raid End : 22:59:00
Duration : 03:00:00


Raid Value : 0.00
Net Earned EP :  0.00
Spent : 0
Net Spent GP :  0

Total : 0


Note : Nythrenda, Elethrea, Ursoc Farma [color=#FFFFFF:1bdxafbl] Progress Dragons of Nightmare[/color:1bdxafbl] [color=#FF0040:1bdxafbl]Vantus Rune: Dragons of Nighmare[/color:1bdxafbl] (zatím nezapínejte) (pro info: Je to z inscription) Všichni nachyst...

Race/Class Name Raid Value Total
0.00 0.00
  Jebis 0.00 0
  Veterán 0.00 0
  Nasferitii 0.00 0
  Avgha 0.00 0
  Darthcohen 0.00 0
  Kajen 0.00 0
  Sergeros 0.00 0
  Meryssa 0.00 0
  Paloico 0.00 0
  Cthugha 0.00 0
  Hathet 0.00 0
  Harlin 0.00 0
  Mistak 0.00 0
  Fribasil 0.00 0
  Gugi 0.00 0
  Unfeus 0.00 0
  Punchie 0.00 0
  Spíders 0.00 0


No Loot
